Handstands are a constant joy and challenge, and I’m obsessed with them. I’ve spent the last several years offering personalised handstand coaching online and internationally and nothing is more satisfying than helping people shave years off their handstand journey.
I help people achieve their handstand and handbalancing goals by creating structured training programs around your physical abilities- being honest and upfront about what you need to do. I invest deeply in each of my clients, and I work with people who are as invested as I am and are willing to put in the work
My Handstand Journey
Growing up I didn’t take care of my body or health at all. I was overweight, lazy was picked last in team sports at school. In my late teenage years I discovered strength training, dieting and running. It was a wild ride with a lot of ups and downs when it came to my weight and my motivation. When I trained strength, I focused on aesthetics. I mostly focused on an end goal. Being able to get that sixpack for a foto and not caring how unhealthy physically or mentally getting it would be. It definitely was not sustainable and I knew I needed to change my relationship with food, training and health.
Then I discovered handstands.
It started with seeing a fotos of a handbalancer on one arm, and his training on YouTube. It looked so incredible! I started out playing with kicking and falling, climbing up the wall and making all kings of mistakes. I didn’t have a found in dance or gymnastics to help me. I started out stiff, weak, and with almost no flexibility, but I loved the mixture of simplicity and complexity in the training. After some (not so successful) attempts at teaching myself, I sought mentorship from Mikael Kristiansen. It wasn’t until I had my own coach that my hand-balancing really took off. It shaved years off my learning curve. I have been coached myself for 3-4 years. I know how much impact the right program, feedback and mentorship have during this epic journey of joy and frustration. I work as a coach because I get joy from seeing others enjoying what I am passionate about and have spent many years figuring out.
My journey has taken me some incredible places, including various performances and making it to the semifinals on Norway’s’ Got Talent. I’m also a certified personal trainer (from the AFPT- the Academy of Personal Training in Norway) and have been coaching and training people since 2013. Having been on the receiving end of online coaching myself, I understand the unique challenges and how to overcome them.
Ready to progress with your handstands?
Press & Performance
If you are interested in booking me for a press appearance or a performance, please get in touch.