Wroclaw handstand Workshop

Beginner/intermedate + intermedate/advanced workshops

Have you practiced handstands for a while and working on refining your form, consistency, shapes or press?
Or maybe you have just started out and want to learn the fundamentels for a better practice.
In either case you will get great value from this 2-days handstand workshop with Ulrik!

This weekend there will be two different workshops for different level. The beginner/intermedate workshop is best suited for you who are not yet consistent with balancing in straight handstand for 20+ seconds.

The intermediate/advanced is best suited for you who have mastered the basic straight handstand and are ready for more advanced two arm work, presses and to get an introdution to the one arm handstand.

Both workshops will teach you how to train on your own, there will be individual feedback and time for questions answered.

It’s possible to sign up for one of the two.day workshops, or for the full weekend.


BEG/INT 24-25. May 11.00-13.30
int/adv: 24-25. May 15.00-18.00


Wroclaw, Poland

Crossfit Black Star, Komandorska 18, 53-343 Wrocław


€140 2-days beg/int
€160 2-days int/adv
€270 2-days both levels

Who is this for?

The beginner/intermediate is for you who are new, or are performing inconsistent on two arm basics. It’s also possible for trainers who are interested in joining for the learning.

The intermediate/advanced is best for you who have allready spent some time on your hands and are pretty solid at entering a straight handstand and move trhough some of the basic shapes. You should have trained handstand regularly for the last months to get the most out of it.


Topics covered

- Understanding of the handstand practice
- Mobility for proper handstand alignment and efficiency
- How to balance
- How to kick-up into a handstand
- Shapes like tuck, one leg 7 and straddle
- Pike and pancake compression and flexibility
- Intro to press to handstand training
- Relevant strength and conditioning
- Individual training with feedback
- Summary and Q&A

- Understanding the handstand practice
- Joint preparation and mobility
- Alignment refinement
- Tuck, half 7 and full 7
- Press to handstand
- Intro to one arm training
- Weight shifts and block work
- Progressions of fingertip support
- Individual training and feedback
- Summary and Q&A


 Your coach

Ulrik Ask Fossum

I am Ulrik, a 32 year old handbalancer from Norway. I started my handstand training when I was 21. I remember well how it was to be scared of climbing up the wall. How it was to kick-up and fall again and again. How it was to be stiff and weak.
Over my 11 years of training handbalancing I have felt most of the things you are feeling with your handstand practice now. The frustration of not progressing. The wrist pain from being too eager. And the heaviness on the shoulders. But most important: How to overcome this.
Since I discovered that handbalancing is a thing it's possible to learn, I have spent most days training and nerding it.
I worked 5 years as a personal trainer from 2012 and started to teach handstands through online coaching and workshops from around 2016. A few years later I quit my general trainer job to focus solely on teaching handstands which I have done since, and I love it! Being able to share the lessons I have learned to master this skill, and seeing how peoples faces light up when they progress gives me just as much joy as when I progress in the training myself, and that’s why I hope you’ll join my workshop.


Got Questions?


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