Advanced Handstand Workshop
Develop the skills to move from two arms to one
Are you ready to learn how to do one-arm handstands, but don’t know where to start? Join Ulrik for a fun, three-hour workshop where we will teach you the basics of OAHS training.
First we will go through a handbalancers warm-up which includes frontsplits, sidesplits, pancake and shoulders. At this and future levels you will benefit a propper warm-up routine. Then we move on to refinement of two arm handstands in different shapes before we go to prep for one arm handsands.
SUN 30th JAN 10-13
The original date in December got changed to January due to dovid. Damn covid.
Exact place will be sent to you on email closer to the date of the workshop.
€ 100 /PERSON
Payment via Paypal or Credit Card
Topics covered:
A handbalancers warm-up
Shapes on two arms
Touching upon press
Intro to one arm training
Weight shifts and block work
Stand on one arm
Sidebends flexibility and strength
Individual practice with feedback
Summary and Q&A
Part one will cover flexibility and two arm basics. The majority of flexibility will be done as a follow along routine, and some will be partner work.
Part two will be direct work towards a one arm handstand.
The workshop will last for approximately 3 hours and will be limited to 14 participants so everyone will get the attention they need and want.
The one arm handstand is an advanced skill so you must be able to do at least 3 of the following to be able to get max out of this workshop:
One minute freestanding handstand
15-second tuck handstand, with knees lower than hips
A 5-second seven handstand, with feet lower than hips
Straddle press to handstand
Moving legs around in different shapes like straight, straddle and tuck.
Join the worksop

Your coach
Ulrik ASK Fossum
Former lazy and overweight person, Ulrik has been working as a personal trainer for 5 years, and has been teaching handstands online,1on1 and in workshops around the world for the last 4-5 years (give or take a pandemic). He’s been training handbalance for the last 9 years.
Follow him on instagram:
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Will I need any equipment or props?
Yes. You will need the following:
one pair of handstand blocks (bring more if you have)
yogamat (or something similar to stretch on)
yogablocks (if you own more than one pair, bring them)
How many spaces are available?
The workshop will host a maximum of 14 people to ensure everyone will be seen.
What if I only have two out of the three prereqs, or am very close to achieving some of them, but don’t have them consistently?
If you don’t have 3 of 5 pre reqs I would recommend to join the intermedite workshop instead. Then work your ass off on join the advanced group next year.
I have a pre-existing injury, is it still safe to participate?
Please make sure you are cleared by your doctor before participating in this physical activity.
We don’t take responsibility for harm you may cause yourself during the time of the workshop. Please be smart and don’t handstand around sharp and/or hard objects.
Also, by joining this workshop you give us the rights to share, use and sell a copy of this workshop as we please.
Got questions?
If I missed something in the FAQ or you’d like a bit more information, don’t be shy, just drop me a message.